
School Terms and Conditions

In these terms and conditions “we” and “us” refers to Ward-Hendry and “you” refers to your school.

All Photography booking
  1. All photographs are taken under the agreement that you will distribute the ordering details.
  2. Bookings are made under the agreement that we will provide photography on the agreed date. There may be unforeseen circumstances where this isn’t possible i.e. photographer illness, in these situations we will do our best to honour this booking date for you. If this isn’t possible other available dates will be offered.
  3. Agreed dates may be changed by you although we cannot guarantee we could accommodate specific date changes, especially at short notice.
  4. Pre-agreed commission payments are made for your school funds.
  5. There may be a charge for some photography, but this would be discussed with you prior to the photography taking place.
  6. If after a photography booking you decide not to put the photographs on sale then we reserve the right to charge an attendance fee.
  7. Photographs are online for parents to view and order within 24 hours of being taken. Orders for group photographs will only be printed and dispatched when either;
    • The image has been approved by the school
    • Or the time period for the schools to approve the image has passed

Complimentary items
1. One-off complimentary items:
i. To introduce ourselves complimentary items are offered to you when you make your first booking, please contact us for further details.
ii. Your school may be eligible for more than one item.
iii. These items are provided on the basis that you make and complete two bookings.

2. Per booking complimentary items:
a. Group photograph bookings:
i. You can request a free copy of every group photograph taken for your archive and display.
ii. Staff discounts.
b. Portrait photograph bookings, through your schools Gateway portal:
i. Print class reference sheets; thumbnail images of all photographs taken.
ii. Download record images; for you to upload to your MIS system. N.B. Some SIMS users may require a photo import license to batch import images; you will need to contact SIMS to purchase this.
iii. Print award certificates; for presenting to your pupils.
iv. Print Autograph books; there are a selection of designs to choose from that you can print out for your leavers.
v. Staff ID cards; 25 complimentary ID cards per academic year.

To ensure that we are fully compliant with all aspects of GDPR, any data that your school provides to us is done so on the basis that you, as the data controller, have the legal right or permissions to do so. For us to process your data you will need to read and accept our Data Processing Agreement document.
The data that we request is solely required to complete the product that your school has requested. We do offer alternative products that do not require you to provide data.
All of our data is held and processed in accordance with GDPR. Our General Data Protection Regulation Policy is available on request by contacting

  1. Parents are not obliged to purchase photographs.
  2. Terms and conditions for customers who have purchased photographs are found on our website;
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